Monday, December 23, 2013

Integrating Spring framework with other web frameworks

When working on using Spring framework in a web application that uses JSF and Facecets, I found the following information from Spring documentation about how to integrate Spring with JSF.

Common Configuration

In web.xml file, declare the following:


If you don't specify the contextConfigLocation context parameter, the ContextLoaderListener will look for a file called /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml to load. Once the context files are loaded, Spring creates a WebApplicationContext object based on the bean definitions and stores it in the ServletContext of one's web application.

All Java web frameworks are built on top of the Servlet API, and so one can use the following code snippet to get access to this 'business context' ApplicationContext created by the ContextLoaderListener.

WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext);

The WebApplicationContextUtils class is for convenience, so you don't have to remember the name of the ServletContext attribute. Its getWebApplicationContext() method will return null if an object doesn't exist under the WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE key. Rather than risk getting NullPointerExceptions in your application, it's better to use the getRequiredWebApplicationContext() method. This method throws an exception when the ApplicationContext is missing.

Once you have a reference to the WebApplicationContext, you can retrieve beans by their name or type. Most developers retrieve beans by name, then cast them to one of their implemented interfaces.

Fortunately, most of the frameworks in this section have simpler ways of looking up beans. Not only do they make it easy to get beans from a Spring container, but they also allow you to use dependency injection on their controllers. Each web framework section has more detail on its specific integration strategies.

Integration with JSF

The easiest way to integrate one's Spring middle-tier with one's JSF web layer is to use the DelegatingVariableResolver class. In faces-config.xml,add the following:

The DelegatingVariableResolver will first delegate value lookups to the default resolver of the underlying JSF implementation, and then to Spring's 'business context' WebApplicationContext. This allows one to easily inject dependencies into one's JSF-managed beans.

Note that if using Facelets, you need to add the following ViewHandler to the


Managed beans are defined in one's faces-config.xml file. Find below an example where #{userManager} is a bean that is retrieved from the Spring 'business context'.



A custom VariableResolver works well when mapping one's properties to beans in faces-config.xml, but at times one may need to grab a bean explicitly. The FacesContextUtils class makes this easy. It is similar to WebApplicationContextUtils, except that it takes a FacesContext parameter rather than a ServletContext parameter.
ApplicationContext ctx = FacesContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
The DelegatingVariableResolver is the recommended strategy for integrating JSF and Spring. If one is looking for more robust integration features, one might want take a look at the JSF-Spring project.



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