Monday, May 21, 2012

The basic Code of Ajax

When developing web application using Ajax and JavaScript, the following are the three ways to start the Ajax code.
  • Use the "button" button. The following is some sample JSF code:
      <h:commondButton type="button" value="xyz" onclick="myAjaxFunction();" />
    Notice the button's type is "button", which means it is a push button and not a submit button. When a user activates that button, JSF does not submit the surrounding form. You can also use other non-button tags such as inputText to invoke Ajax. As long as an event causes a JavaScript event handler to run, you can put the Ajax code in that event handler to do the work.
  • Use the "submit" button. The following is some sample code used by IceFaces:
       <input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="iceSubmit(form,this,event);return false;" />
    Notice that here the onclick function has to return false to disable the form submission.
  • Use the "submit" button, the JSF action, and the onclick function. The following is the sample code.
       <h:commandButton value="xyz"
     action="#{yourBean.doSomething}" onclick="return myAjaxFunction();" />
    Notice that this is a "submit" button because the default type of commandButton is "submit". But if the onclick function returns the value "false", the form will not be submitted, and the JSF "action" won't be invoked. If it returns true, the form will be submitted and the JSF "action" will be executed on the server side.
Now how to make the Ajax call in the web browser and get the response from the server? Basically you need to create a request object ( XMLHttpRequest for a non-IE browser or ActiveXObject for IE) , specify the parameters needed by the HTTP protocol( URL, HTTP method, etc) and send the request. You also attach a handler to the request object that will process the response from the server. There is the built-in function in the request object that will repeatedly invoke the handler with the news of the request's progress. In the handler, you check the status value and perform the action if the status indicates the response is ready.

So the special request object (XMLHttpRequest or ActiveXObject) is not just an object to send the request to the server, it is also an object that will process the response from the server using its built-in mechanism.

The sample code is below.

function myAjaxFunction(){
   var xhr;
   if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
      xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
   }else if ( window.ActiveXObject){
      xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

   xhr.onreadystatechange = myHandler;"GET", "myUrl", true);

function myHandler(){
  if ( xhr.readState == 4 ){
     if ( xhr.status == 200 ){
         var fooComponent = window.document.getElementById("fooComponentId");
         fooComponent.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

In the above code, the URL value "myUrl" can be any URL value you want. For example, you can use "xyz.ajax". And you can use ".ajax" as the suffix for all the URLs used in Ajax. And then on the server side, you can map all such URLs to a servlet that will process all the Ajax requests. The following is a sample servlet for the Ajax request.
   public class AjaxServlet extends HttpServlet {
        public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException{
            response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
            response.getWritter().write("some content text here");

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