We create the Event_His table which has all the columns in the Event table. We also add three new columns to indicate the reason, the person and the date when a row in the Event table is changed.
Table Event
event_seq created_by created_dt updated_by updated_dt lock_version type name description start_date end_date status
Table Event_His
event_seq created_by created_dt updated_by updated_dt lock_version type name description start_date end_date status reason actioner action_date
The Package Used by the Trigger:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Auditpackage AS Updater VARCHAR2(10); PROCEDURE Set_updater(person in VARCHAR2); END; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Auditpackage AS PROCEDURE Set_updater(person in VARCHAR2) is BEGIN Updater := person; END; END;
Before deleting a row, one needs to first call Auditpackage.Set_updater(?) to set who will delete the record. Then the trigger will use the saved value when creating a new row in the history table.
The trigger is the following:
BEGIN IF DELETING THEN insert into Event_His values (Event_his_seqgen.NEXTVAL,:old.Event_seq, :old.created_by, :old.created_dt, :old.updated_by, :old.updated_dt, :old.lock_version, :old.type, :old.name, :old.description, :old.start_date, :old.end_date, :old.status, 'delete', Auditpackage.updater, sysdate); ELSE insert into Event_His values (Event_his_seqgen.NEXTVAL,:old.Event_seq, :old.created_by, :old.created_dt, :old.updated_by, :old.updated_dt, :old.lock_version, :old.type, :old.name, :old.description, :old.start_date, :old.end_date, :old.status, 'update', :new.updated_by, sysdate); END IF; END;
As an option, the package variable Updater can be reset to null after a record is updated or deleted in the Event table. For this purpose, the following trigger is needed.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Audit_event_reset AFTER DELETE OR UPDATE ON Event BEGIN Auditpackage.Set_updater(NULL); END;
Notice that the previous two triggers are both fired by the same type of SQL statement. However, the AFTER row trigger is fired once for each row of the table affected by the triggering statement, while the AFTER statement trigger is fired only once after the triggering statement execution is completed.
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